MCP 64: Crystal Lavallee on why fulfilling your mission will require a few doses of crazy faith

April 17, 2019 00:44:32
MCP 64: Crystal Lavallee on why fulfilling your mission will require a few doses of crazy faith
Passion to Reach Ministries
MCP 64: Crystal Lavallee on why fulfilling your mission will require a few doses of crazy faith

Apr 17 2019 | 00:44:32


Show Notes

Crystal Lavallee’s journey to fulfilling her mission is a fascinating story of what God can do when you are willing to take steps of faith that may not make sense in the natural realm. Her tenacity, determination and unwavering faith in the God who called her influence and impact Canadian culture, is a lesson in how to fully commit to the will of God for your life. If you’ve ever been in a place where you have doubted if you can really accomplish God’s dream for your life with the skills, funds, and friends you currently have, then you must listen to this story of faith and adventure! [email protected]

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